Vibrations of Doom NEEDS HELP!!!

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Vibrations of Doom NEEDS HELP!!!

Post by Dokken_Uwe »

Hey friends

This has been written on V.O.D. Homepage!!!!


Steven Cannon here...

For 19 years now I have been providing a free service to extreme music lovers
worldwide in the form of 50 issues' worth of music reviews and band interviews,
a 5 years' running weekly radio show, the classic albums archives which houses
almost 1400 rare, classic and out of print 80's metal titles, and so much
more. I totally enjoyed what I have put together for so long, and am very proud
of all that I have accomplished...

Unfortunately, the webhosting renewal fees are due by March 5th... Quite simply
folks, I can't afford to renew the domain... With my only method of
transportation (namely, my car) facing at least a thousand dollars worth of
transmission repair, needless to say the money I need to simply get from place
to place isn't there. I would hate to not make a 20th year of this long running
internet based music magazine, but it comes down to a simple question of

And to be honest, when my groundbreaking 50th issue was released on Christmas
day in 2010, it was indeed one of the biggest issues I had ever done. More
interviews graced this issue than any other in the magazine's history. And yet,
as proud as I was, for all my accomplishments, not ONE single person offered a
congratulatory email. Only a few facebook messages saying thanks, but not one
single person offered their best wishes. Rarely in the magazine's history do I
ever get any feedback on any of the issues I do. Rarely in the 5 years that the
online radio show has been in existence have I ever gotten any requests for
songs, or even feedback on the show itself. The classic albums section? Well,
that's the one place where I usually see letters from people. But usually it's
to ask where they can get such and such album, or will I make them a copy of
band X, or whatever...

So really, what I'm saying is, does anyone even CARE? I mean, come on! The
world's oldest and longest running internet based music magazine ON THE FUCKING
PLANET... Surely that's gotta count for something!! Bottom line is this people.
The webhosting domain needs $110 U.S. dollars by March 5th. Otherwise the doors
will be shut for good, and they WON'T be reopening... I supported metal in the
early 90's, when grunge became popular and metal died a sad death. I was there
when black metal became popular, and still through it all held the torch for
80's metal HIGH. So how about helping out? I wanna do this for a long time to
come, but times are extremely hard right now. Gas has risen to over 3 and a
half dollars in this country. Food and other necessities have risen in price.
I'm not asking people to help me eat and pay bills, I'm asking to help keep
this wonderful musical resource going. I CANNOT do it without help, and I
shouldn't have to shoulder the burden ALONE. I've been running this entire
website practically by myself for 19 years, with little to no help from ANYONE.
I want to know my efforts are still wanted, hell, even appreciated. Donations
of ANY size are welcome. Paypal them to me at my regular email address:

If $110 is all he needs then let's put some money together and send it to him by Paypal (such as I will do).

(source: )
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Post by Bane »

It would be a huge shame if V.O.D. kicked the bucket. I used to listen to the radio show/podcast every week without fail... no so much these days, but that's simply out of forgetfulness more so than anything else. I'm gonna donate some money. I can understand his frustration and let's face it; V.O.B. is a fantastic resource.
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Post by LethylSteel »

Pff...excuse me but this guy appears to be a little whiner eh? You'd rather donate money to someone who starts a crybaby campaign in the www than for any "Save the children in Africa fond? Have you ever donated money for the poor children in the world???
Can't this guy just take a credit from any bank or put aside 20 $ each month to get the 110 $ (What is that??) that he needs? I had to take a credit too to buy a new car that I needed badly for my job etc...did anyone gave me money??? :wink:
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hello and thanks...

Post by VibrationsOfDoom »

Hey. Steven here from Vibrations Of Doom... First of all I just wanted to say thanks to whoever that was that posted this here... I didn't ask him to do that and it is appreciated...

For those who think I'm just running some scam (more on the above responder in a moment...) I have an actual snapshot of the invoice I pulled from my IX Webhosting account... All legit...

And to Darksider?? I'm not even gonna be an asshole about this. Okay, you know what, I UNDERSTAND where you're coming from. But honestly, do YOU ever donate money to poor or starving children in Africa? DO YOU!? And answer honestly. As for your car issues, yeah it DOES suck that you had to buy a new vehicle for your job. Up here where I live there IS no bus service that runs me to my job and back... But here's the issue I have with you... If you DON'T donate money or services or time even to "poor starving children," then WHAT exactly DO you do for people? Because the way I look at it, I've been providing, FOR FREE, for NINETEEN YEARS, a music magazine with 50 issues, a weekly radio show that takes me QUITE a bit of time to put together, AND the classic albums section where you can listen to over 1300 rare, classic and out of print 80's metal albums IN THEIR ENTIRETY... So NO... I'm NOT going to lie and say "yeah, I donate to starving children..." Maybe I should. I DO donate to the North Gwinnett Co Operative Ministry here in Buford (just south of where I live) because last year they DID pay off my electric bill when it reached $250... And they ALSO pointed me to a place that paid HALF of my rent. And I was eternally grateful... And I see starving families that need THEIR help... So I send a little when I can...

That's beside the point. This isn't just MY music magazine/radio show/classic albums section. It ALSO belongs to the PEOPLE...THAT'S why it's on a world wide web site... I don't JUST do this for myself and the small amount of satisfaction I get... And don't take this as an arrogant message, but yeah I DO feel like I should get some monetary compensation for what I do... I've been doing this for 19 years, I'm DAMN good at it... And It's nice that people appreciate this resource... I'm not saying "hey, gimme money or I shut it down," I've done days worth of negotiating with the service providers, and I've done (and they have) all I can. So yeah, UNLIKE you I GIVE to the world... Everyday... And I appreciate everyone's help and support... No matter what. Those of you who have been there with me for 19 years know that I rarely EVER ask for money except in the form of donations, and THOSE donations are usually met with free gifts from the classic albums archives... But a preacher I once heard (who stands up front with a blackboard and teaches the congregation instead of just sticking his hands out) said it very well... If you walk away from my site learning something, whether it's hearing for the first time that really rare album you never thought you'd see, or you read a great insightful interview with your favorite band, or you hear a few songs from a CD you go out and buy, THAT'S KNOWLEDGE... Colleges and schools charge for an education... It's all free here, but you do OWE me something... And that's not a statement that comes from arrogance or an "I'm better than you" mentality, but it's respect and appreciation for someone's 19 years of loyal and hard work and service... [/img]
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Post by Bane »

I have V.O.D. to thank for getting me into a lot of amazing metal back in the 56k modem days. Long before I could afford to take chances on eBay and long before the days that everything was available via leeched links on blogs. If all it takes is a small donation as a way of saying "thank you" and hopefully assuring the site, mag and radio show continue, then I'm happy to do so. I would do it for this Web site too if it ever came to it and I'm sure others would also. I've never dedicated 19 years of my life to anything, never mind something that provided me with little gratitude, but I can imagine Steven's frustration and I totally respect the message on his Web site.
You'd rather donate money to someone who starts a crybaby campaign in the www than for any "Save the children in Africa fund"?
I don't care about African children. I care about Metal.

I'm not going to pretend I lay in bed awake at night worrying about children in Africa. Who on here does?? There are causes a lot closer to my heart that I have donated to in the past.
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Post by Dokken_Uwe »

It is always the same discussion when it comes to donate some money for things we used to have for free.

I for myself have never met Steven personally and perhaps will never do (Germany - USA...far distance to just drive by with the bicycle), but I do REALLY believe that he is doing all this for the right reasons:
Giving the people some rare records for listening pleasure and also provide them some great interviews/information about their favourite bands.

Sure, there are 1000+ metalpages out there, which provide information and metalmusic, but when I recall some years back from now on, VoD was one of the very FEW sites dealing with "rare metal".

This was even BEFORE the Youtube/Myspace/Blogspot information overkill.

I've spent some bucks in order to help Steven out for the aforementioned reasons and I'm feeling pretty fine with that.
Nothing more to add.
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Post by FuneralCircle »

Darksider wrote:Pff...excuse me but this guy appears to be a little whiner eh? You'd rather donate money to someone who starts a crybaby campaign in the www than for any "Save the children in Africa fond? Have you ever donated money for the poor children in the world???
Can't this guy just take a credit from any bank or put aside 20 $ each month to get the 110 $ (What is that??) that he needs? I had to take a credit too to buy a new car that I needed badly for my job etc...did anyone gave me money??? :wink:
I've donated to humanitarian causes... so is it okay if I donate to Vibrations of Doom? Do I have your permission? :lol:
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Post by VibrationsOfDoom »

>>I've donated to humanitarian causes... so is it okay if I donate to Vibrations >>of Doom? Do I have your permission? Laughing

Um, sure... :) All the help is appreciated...

By the way, AS PROMISED, so people won't think this is a scam, we've posted up the screenshot/snapshot of the actual online invoice for the hosting services from IX Webhosting, which, as many of you know, is our hosting provider and has been for several years... Go to the official facebook page for Vibrations Of Doom Magazine/DOOM Radio here: ... 4142001649

Of course, we had to black out the credit card info... :)
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Post by bigfootkit »

Steven, i'm afraid i'm not in a position to assist financially at the moment, or i most certainly would.
I would however like to take the time to thank you for all the work you've put in on the VOD website which is an awesome resource, i'd no idea it had been online for so long. That's real dedication.
My sincerest best wishes to you, i hope VOD lives on.
I cannot, I shall not, I will not obey.
Avenger wrote : I'm not a copyright office nor a judicial entity.
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Post by VibrationsOfDoom »

Thanks again man... We're fighting like hell to keep it going... We still have time...
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Post by Avenger »

The site is already down. How long ago was this message posted? Quite frankly if this is the truth, There's less then a week left to accumulate the money and that isn't a lot of notice... This should have been posted sooner in my opinion. Either way, this is a great site and the "Classic Albums" section, (regardless the shitty sound quality of the tracks) is a great reference point.

I do have one question before I decide if I will send any money and that's what are you planning to do with any extra cash that you receive from the donations that exceed the $110 that you need for the hosting services?
bigfootkit wrote:"Your Steel Is Not True"
stormspell wrote:"I hate all my releases. I only listen to Korn and Limp Bizkit, don't you know..."
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Post by VibrationsOfDoom »

>>The site is already down. How long ago was this message posted? Quite frankly if this is the truth, There's less then a week left to accumulate the money and that isn't a lot of notice... This should have been posted sooner in my opinion. Either way, this is a great site and the "Classic Albums" section, (regardless the shitty sound quality of the tracks) is a great reference point.<<

I do have one question before I decide if I will send any money and that's what are you planning to do with any extra cash that you receive from the donations that exceed the $110 that you need for the hosting services?

Well, I have never (since I started hosting with IX Webhosting) had a problem with this before... But regardless, I have been footing the bill for the website for over 19 years alone, and I've only been with IX Webhosting since 2006. Before that it was dot5hosting who we were with for awhile... Trust me, I am doing all I can on my end, but I thought I could get this problem handled before now... I didn't want to have to burden anyone else with this, even though it's really difficult for me at my end...

A few notes I just found out this afternoon.... When i called the tech support about disk space and bandwidth, I found out that they had recently upgraded all the servers to unlimited disk space AND bandwidth, though they haven't moved my site over to this yet. When I asked why, they said that they were waiting for my renewal to fix the account for unlimited space and bandwidth... Once this happens, I've decided that ALL the classic albums are going to be redone. Still in RealAudio but in a higher bitrate. If you have read the what's new section of the website, you'll see where I made file comparisons (file size wise) of the older 3.0 RealAudio codecs versus the 5.0 codecs that the soundfiles section uses... Due to the unlimited space and bandwidth I'll be receiving, I am considering using an even higher bitrate for EVERYTHING (save of course the radio show, which is already in 128k MP3 format). I've got other plans as well, and believe me when I say I'm doing everything I can to keep this running...

I couldn't really do much about the time frame... Believe it or not, since everything is transferred online (I'll post the payment online with a support tech, and paypal payments only take a few days to transfer) there's still a few days left before things have to move forward. I'm going to talk to the bank Monday and ask if they can place a temporary hold on the transfer payment from IX until the paypal funds clear if things get cut that close...

As for any "extra money," I plan on putting that aside in a fund for future support for the website. I've always asked for donations to help out, but remember this is a FREE website where there's hundreds of hours of audio to listen to online. In return I've offered gifts from the classic albums archives in return. In the future, I plan on having shirts made and possibly starting up the record label for proper reissues of classic 80's metal and other rarities... Only one other time in the magazine's history can I think of a time when things got this bad... I run and put all this together by myself folks... But you already knew that if you know my history... I appreciate the kind words, and I want to be up front and honest about what's going on. Check out the facebook page and take a look at the screenshot from the online invoice...
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Post by Stormspell »

Cash sent, hopefully you can keep the site alive. Good luck
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Post by Vaggelis »

Mighty Youtube has all obscure metal and Vibrations Of Doom tracks in acceptable and better audio quality...

No need for sites like VOD the last years.Time for a shutdown i am afraid.
I am not retro in internet sites...Sorry.
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Post by Bane »

Obviously YouTube and blogs have much better quality rips. I still like the A-Z nature of the Classic Album section and the fact that, even in work where most things are blocked, I can click on a song and it starts playing. Also, what about the Webzine and radio show? Both are still very much relevant in my eyes.

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