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Trilogy: Life on Earth

Musical styleMelodic Metal
Additional infoalso released on Tape
Rarity grading
3 out of 6 - Extremely rare!


Of course there is a Trilogy from the US & also Germany but this is the fantastic traditional metal band from Australia. All the pre-requisites are here for a classic mid 80's made in the backyard metal platter. Jon Ryders high clean vocals and articulate chunky Rickenbacker bass & keyboard lines from the school of Geddy Lee not to mention the blistering axe work of Jamie Page (BLACK ALICE / BLACK STEEL). A metallic mix of great straight out rockers - Fight Like The Devil, Rough Time, Gettin' Outta Here, softer moments Holding You Close and Life On Earth to the dynamic instrumental piece The Hammer where we get to hear this power trio really cutting loose & showcasing some damn fine musicianship. Fans of Rush will most certainly find something of interest in Trilogy - a shining diamond in the rare & obscure collectable indie metal LP treasure chest.

Fight Like The Devil
Wastin' Time
Playing With Your Life
Rough Time
Life On Earth
The Hammer
Holding You Close
Northern Lights
Gettin' Outta Here

Created / updated: 2012-08-16
Dave Harrison