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Spunk Bubbles: Metal Wench

Label/DistributionWaterfront Records
Musical styleThrash Metal
Additional infocomes with insert
Rarity grading
3 out of 6 - Extremely rare!


Ok ok...the band name doesn't sound Metal and to be honest THE SPUNKBUBBLES never were a Metal band at all. But the title track of this EP has strong parallels to EXODUS' "Metal Command" track. Now he's totally nuts you may think but if you listen to "Metal Wench" you will get the same opinion becorpse it's true! It's a fast HC Thrasher simply with the same speed and riffing like "Metal Command". The only difference between both tracks is the more punky refrain of THE SPUNKBUBBLES' version and the typical non existing double bass drum parts that typical HC bands deny. But all in all this track is closer to Thrash than to Punk! "Treat me good" hasn't got the speed of "Metal Wench" but it's also played in an aggressive faster midtempo but much more punky refrain. The postive point are the raw vocals of UG the Caveman. His dirty voice fits perfectly to their HC/Thrash style they used to play on this EP. Openminded Thrashers should surely risk an ear. But beware, on their "Speak lebanese or die" MLP 87 they went back more to the HC/Punk roots. That MLP is also pretty fast but pure HC/Punk. So think twice before you buy it.

Metal Wench
Treat me good

Created / updated: 2011-01-17