Booby Trap

Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock
Unknown-1983 (as COO), 1983-unknown (as BOOBY TRAP)

Founded in 1983 as the direct continuation of the Athenian act COO (following the tragic demise of COO vocalist Romilos Colassis), BOOBY TRAP’s sole creative effort was 1983’s “Women”, a symphatetic and listenable commercial Hard Rock LP that occasionally (as in the concluding track “Burning Brain”) turns into full-on Heavy Metal.

There is scarce information to be found on BOOBY TRAP even in the liner notes accompanying their LP. What we do know is that former COO band leader Babis Persidis (guitars) did most of the writing, arrangement and production of “Women” (for some reason credited as Ch. Persidis). As for the rest of the members, it seems probable that the recording was done by a lineup identical to COO – except for the deceased Romilos Colassis of course, and probably without co-songwriter/organist Vasilis Ginos (also known for his work with cult Greek Prog rockers PETE & ROYCE), since his biography doesn’t give any mention of BOOBY TRAP.

Despite being superior to the pseudo-funky Rock of COO’s previous work “Rock Eyes” (1982), “Women” (released in a gatefold sleeve, limited to 500 copies although some sources say that even fewer numbers circulated) didn’t achieve much success and the band appears to have folded pretty soon after the release of the album. However, if you do manage to find a copy, it’s well worth a listen if you’re into the softer/melodic side of 1970s Hard Rock/Heavy Metal (BLUE ÖYSTER CULT, etc.)

Compilation appearances:

d i s c o g r a p h y :

Women - Album (12" Vinyl) 1983 - Bomby Records (B.R. 101)
Details: Gatefold, limited edition: 500 copies.

Misty Rock
American Girl
My Women
Losing Game
A Bit More of My Love
Bad Influence
Burning Brain
Now, you might ask yourself what an album like “Women” is doing in an archive dedicated to HEAVY METAL and its various offspring. It would indeed require the most intricate sophistries to portray BOOBY TRAP’s music as pure Heavy Metal. However, the basic idea behind this website is to document everything that falls within the spectrum of Hellenic Metal, including related, non-Metal styles. If viewed from such a perspective, BOOBY TRAP may well receive their moment in the sun.

In terms of style, BOOBY TRAP straddles the line between 1970s Hard Rock and the more Pop-oriented sounds of early-1980s HR/HM. The songs are catchy, well-written and carries enough crunch to avoid coming off as too saccharine. The latter aspect is further “enhanced” by the production, which definitely has more in common with seventies rock than eighties fluff.

Compared to the band’s preceding album “Rock Eyes” (released under their previous moniker: COO), “Women” is a far more consistent affair. Each of the eight compositions maintain a high level of quality, while at the same time offering a varied listening experience in terms of pacing and mood. As for definitive highlights, I’d go with the up-tempo “American Girl”, the marvelous bass-solo on “Loosing Game” and the surprisingly heavy proto-Metal of the final track “Burning Brain”.

This self-released album was allegedly released in a limited run of 500 copies, but it’s still possible to find a copy relatively cheap. So, anyone with an affinity for music of this kind should give “Women” a try.

Written by Johan Pettersson