Arrayan Path

early: Boston (USA), later: Lemesos (Cyprus)
Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Epic Metal
1997-2011 (as ARRYAN PATH), 2011-present

One of the more – if not the most – successful acts from the island of Cyprus is ARRAYAN PATH, who’ve spent over two decades treating listeners with emotionally-charged and epic Heavy/Power Metal. The band was originally formed as ARRYAN PATH in the United States in 1997 as the brainchild of native Cypriot Nicholas Leptos (vocals – DIPHTHERIA, GANGLAND, PRODIGAL EARTH, WARLORD, etc.) – who was studying overseas at the time – together with his friend Clement Fung (guitars).

Nicholas and Clement began composing material that would eventually end up on the first ARRYAN PATH demo, “Return to Troy” (1999), self-released on CDr a couple of years later. This appears to have taken place before the band was an actual band (with a complete lineup). When the demo eventually arrived, featuring a complete lineup also including Nicholas Demetriou (bass – DIPHTHERIA), Nicholas Philippou (drums – GANGLAND, PRODIGAL EARTH) and George Kallis (keyboards), the prerecording activities of Nicholas and Clement would indeed pay off. Hence, “Return to Troy” is a product featuring a pretty uncommon combination of originality, variety and quality for being a debut demo, especially in terms of songwriting and includes several classic tunes such as “Mystic Moon”, “Arryan Path” and of course the epic title track. Overall, the demo was reviewed favorably by the domestic metal press.

However, with Nicholas’ return to his homeland after finishing studying and Clement residing in Hong Kong (he had to travel to Cyprus for the recording of “Return to Troy”!), problems in terms of logistics must have been difficult to handle. Thus, for the recording the second demo CDr “Osiris” (2000), some adjustments in the membership seemed inevitable. With Clement leaving, Nicholas’ brother Socratis Leptos (guitars – DIPHTHERIA, GANGLAND, PRODIGAL EARTH), who’ve played an integral role in the band ever since, joined the ranks along with bassist Paris Lambrou (bass – DIPHTHERIA, PRODIGAL EARTH, ASTRONOMIKON, etc.), replacing Nicholas Demetriou on the bassist position. Whereas the majority of songs featured on the primarily guitar-centered “Return to Troy” had been written by guitarist Clement Fung, “Osiris” could be described as a more vocal-oriented work – explained by Nicholas now handling the song writing. However, the music is obviously still easily identifiable as belonging to ARRYAN PATH. Another strong effort, “Osiris” brings even more variation to the song material and a slightly more polished sound. “Osiris” also brought encouraging response to the band and by now many eagerly awaited a proper ARRYAN PATH full-length album.

Now, considering the diversity of styles present on the two previous demos – ranging over epic metal, Euro-Heavy/Power, Hard Rock, Folk-ish numbers, Pop-sentimental ballads and 1950s Rock’N’Roll pastiche – ARRYAN PATH were faced with the challenge of channeling their work into a coherent whole. When the album, entitled “Road to Macedonia” (2004), eventually arrived four years after initial work had begun, it was indeed a monumental proposition – spanning over 60+ minutes in playing time and including many of the key songs off both demos. As for the style, it would seem that the band had chosen to emphasize the epic side of their past, with many of the compositions hitting the 7-minute mark. At the time, ARRYAN PATH was in practical terms reduced to a core trio consisting of Nicholas and Socratis Leptos (vocals and guitars respectively) and Paris Lambrou (bass), while George Georgiades (guitars), Chris Ioannides (drums) and George Kallis (keyboards) were credited as session musicians along with guest musicians Lenia Kalli (vocals) and Demetra Philippou (piano).

(to be continued!)

Compilation appearances:
* Pitch Black Records MP3 Sampler 2010 [CDr, Comp, Promo: Pitch Blac, 2010]
* Cyprus Metal Scene United [CDr, Comp, Limited:, 2011]
* Feel the Heat! [CD, Comp: Fireworks Magazine, 2012]
* Bloodbrothers II – A Compilation of Recordings by Rock/Metal Bands from Cyprus [CD, Comp: Pitch Black, 2013]
* Pitch Black Records – 5 Years of Metal – 2008-2013 [CD, Comp: Pitch Black, 2013]
* A Tribute to 1984 – 30 Years Anniversary [CD, Comp: Metal Hammer & Heavy Metal, 2014]
* A Tribute to Iron Maiden’s ”Somewhere in Time” [CD, Comp: Metal Hammer & Heavy Metal, 2016]
* Floating Against the Waves [CD, Comp: Metal Hammer & Heavy Metal, 2018]
* Symphonic & Opera Metal Vol. 4 [2CD, Comp: Golden Core, 2018]
* Symphonic & Opera Metal Vol. 5 [2CD, Comp: Golden Core, 2019]

d i s c o g r a p h y :

Return to Troy - Demo (CDr) 1999 - Private (-)
Details: CDr, individually hand-drawn/coloured cover art.

Mystic Moon
Arryan Path
Immortal Beloved
The Mind
Call for Poseidon
Return to Troy
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Clement Fung (guitars)
Nicholas Demetriou (bass)
Nicholas Philippou (drums)
George Kallis (keyboards)
Brandishing a cover that draws obvious comparisons to MANOWAR’s “Hail to England”, ARRYAN PATH embarked on what was to become a long and fortuitous career with 1999’s demo CDr “Return to Troy”. Although the band would modify their sound over the years, there’s something special with this demo that set ARRYAN PATH apart from most of their contemporaries. Emblematic of the band at the time was the interplay between Clement Fung’s down-tuned and heavily rhythm guitar and the bright yet powerful vocals of Nicholas Leptos, flanked by the lead guitar and keyboards which fill out the sonic panorama with additional melodic flourishes. The rhythm section on the other hand plays fairly straightforward and does a good job at keeping the momentum of the songs.

All of the tracks, despite their epic inclinations, are relatively basic in structure and tend to focus on building up to grand choruses that repeat several times throughout the song. Thankfully, the band know how to write catchy material that also carries a certain amount of gravitas and never fall into the standard power metal “sing-songy” trap. There’s plenty of variety to the compositions, including epic numbers immersed in history/mythology, serene instrumental sections, ballads and rougher straight-ahead rockers. If forced to pick favorites, I would have to go with the opener “Mystic Moon” and the grand closing track “Return to Troy” that very much captures the heroic/melancholy mood of its subject matter without coming off as overly bombastic.

If there is anything negative to say here, I would have to add my personal observation that the ballad “Immortal Beloved” – while apparently a big favorite among the crowd – tends to drag on for too long and become a bit over-sentimental. This “mistake” would be repeated on the following demo as well, but as I write, this is my opinion and it doesn’t seem to be shared by many. Overall, this is an excellent release that really stood out at its time of release for not sounding like everything else out there.

Written by Johan Pettersson

Osiris - Demo (CDr) 2000 - Private (-)
Details: -

Piri Reis
Blood Symphony
Window of Dreams
Black and Rising
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Alexis Kleidaras (guitars)
Socrates Leptos (guitars)
Vagelis Maranis (bass, vocals)
Stefan Dittrich (drums)
George Kallis (keyboards)
One year after their promising debut, ARRAYAN PATH returns with this second demo proposal. Although “Osiris” continues in a similar vein, it’s possible to spot a couple of changes. Most obvious is the exchange of band members, which might explain some of the alterations in the musical domain, such as the shift from the rough/raw rhythm guitar to something more clear-sounding. Moreover, one can spot a tendency of expansion of the band’s peculiar (in a positive sense) brand of heavy/power metal towards more epic territories while at the same time offering an even more diverse set of songs.

The opening title-track is a telling example of the band’s ambitions, with its marching pace and soundtrack-like structure. Interestingly, except for a brief section of IRON MAIDEN/WARLORD-esque guitars in the beginning, the song is not so much riff-based as it is built around sustained chords, to which is added some really nice guitar- and keyboard work. On top soars the vocals of Nicholas Leptos and it’s almost as if instruments are setting the background scene to which the vocals provide the actual storyline. There’s also room for a few solos and a moody coda that brings a proper closure to the composition.

“Piri Reis” is another strong number that prove that epic doesn’t need to equal a 10+ minute running time. Its main melodies (once again a cross between IRON MAIDEN and WARLORD) and majestic chorus-line will stay with the listener for some time. “Ivorian” picks up the pace, moving closer to up-tempo power metal. It’s a catchy tune that calls to mind Keepers-era HELLOWEEN, but done in a style unique to ARRAYAN PATH. The demo unfortunately takes a dip with “Sacrifice”. While I applaud the band for their courage to attempt the ballad-format, this song has the same negative effect for me as “Immortal Beloved” had on “Road to Troy”. Thankfully, “Bloody Symphony” restores equilibrium with a rougher edge and hard’n’heavy riffing. What follows next is a strange but enjoyable 1950s pastiche called “Windows of Dreams”. Maybe a little bit misplaced, but still a display of the diverse vocal talents of Nicholas Leptos. The demo closes with “Black and Rising” that return to the metallic format, featuring a grand chorus and folk-ish vibe.

“Osiris” is another noteworthy addition to the ARRYAN PATH discography and sees the band develop its songwriting abilities. However, it should be noted that the demo is uneven in both style and quality. Had the band chosen to combine the strongest and most consistent tracks from both demos they might have ended up with an even more convincing end result. However, that would have taken away alot of the character and dynamics inherent to the band. Such discussions would prove to be unnecessary however with the release of ARRYAN PATH’s first full-length album four years later, as it did in fact include most of the prime tracks from their demo years (with the glaring omission of “Mystic Moon”).

Written by Johan Pettersson

Road to Macedonia - Album (CD) 2004 - Steel Gallery Records (SGR CD-012)
(Art Studios (Nicosia, Cyprus))
Details: -

Return to Troy
Arryan Path
The Liberation Song
Road to Macedonia
Piri Reis
Immortal Beloved
Call for Poseidon
Epic of the Sorrowful Argonaut
Ivorian (bonus)
Ivorian (bonus - demo 2000 version)
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Socratis Leptos (guitars)
Paris Lambrou (bass)
Lenia Kalli (sssion vocals)
George Georgiades (session guitars)
Chris Ioannides (session drums)
George Kallis (session keyboards)
Demetra Philippou (session piano)
Yet to be reviewed.

Terra Incognita - Album (CD) 2010 - Pitch Black Records (PBR 005)
(Maranis Studios (Backnag, Germany))
Details: -

Molon Lave
Terra Incognita
Open Season
The Blood Remains on the Believer
Angel with No Destination
Minas Tirith
The Mind (bonus)
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Socratis Leptos (guitars)
Vagelis Maranis (bass, guitars, backing vocals)
Stefan Dittrich (drums)
George Kallis (keyboards)
Paris Lambrou (session bass)
Yet to be reviewed.

Ira Imperium - Album (CD) 2011 - Pitch Black Records (PBR 010)
(Maranis Studios (Backnag, Germany))
Details: -

Dies Irae
Gnosis of Prometheus
Ira Imperium (The Damned)
Kiss of Kali
Katherine of Aragon
77 Days 'til Doomsday
Emir of the Faithful
Hollow Eyes of Nefertiti
Lost Ithaca
I Sail Across the Seven Seas
The Fall of Mardonius
The Poet Aftermath
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Socratis Leptos (guitars)
Alexis Kleidaras (guitars)
Stefan Dittrich (drums)
George Kallis (keyboards)
Tony Martin (session vocals)
Natalie Kyprianou (session vocals)
Stelios Tsakiridis (session backing vocals)
Ilhan Erbil (session guitars)
Kikis Apostolou (session guitars)
Vagelis Maranis (session bass, vocals, backing vocals)
Yet to be reviewed.

IV: Stigmata - Album (CD) 2013 - Pitch Black Records (PBR 023)
(Maranis Studios (Backnag, Germany))
Details: -

The Bible Bleeds
Midnight and the First-Born Massacre
Judas Iscariot
Cursed Canaan
Pharaoh's Wish
Harbingers of Death
Disguising Your Soul
The Storyteller
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Socratis Leptos (guitars)
Stefan Dittrich (drums)
George Kallis (keyboards)
Jimmy Mavrommatis (session vocals)
Alexis Kleidaras (session guitars)
George Kousa (session guitars)
Kikis Apostolou (session guitars)
Vagelis Maranis (session bass)
Chris Ioannides (session drums)
Yet to be reviewed.

Chronicles of Light - Album (CD) 2016 - Pitch Black Records (PBR 041)
(Maranis Studios (Mittelbrüden, Germany))
Details: -

Solomon Seed
Gabriel Is Rising
The Distorted Looking-Glass
Ignore the Pain
Scorpio (STEFANO KORKOLIS cover)
Chronicles of Light
Lex Talionis
The Last Eulogy
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Alexis Kleidaras (guitars)
Socratis Leptos (guitars, keyboards)
Paris Lambrou (bass, keyboards)
Stefan Dittrich (drums)
Francois Micheletto (session vocals)
Antonis Mavrou (session guitars)
Kikis Apostolou (session guitars)
Kosta Vreto (session guitars)
Sotiris Gogos (session guitars)
Angelos Vafeiadis (session keyboards)
Huseyin Kirmizi (session keyboards)
Yet to be reviewed.

Dawn of Aquarius - Album (CD) 2017 - Pitch Black Records (PBR 055)
(Domination Studio (San Marino))
Details: -

The Flower Born of Itself
Dark Daughter of the Snake
The Hundred Names of Kali Ma
So It Shall Be Written
She Who Is Primordial Wisdom
Dawn of Aquarius
Cremation Grounds
Empress (Reality of All the Threes)
Lotus Eyes
The Eleventh Mantra
Guardian Angel
Garland of Skulls
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Socratis Leptos (guitars, keyboards)
Christofors Gavriel (guitars)
Miguel Trapezaris (bass)
Stefan Dittrich (drums)
Andreas Paraschos (session vocals)
George Eracleous (session vocals)
Kikis A. Apostolou (session guitars, keyboards)
Huseyin Kirmizi (session keyboards)
Yet to be reviewed.

Archegonoi - Album (2CD) 2018 - Pitch Black Records (PBR 058)
(Domination Studio (San Marino))
Details: -

Weaving the Web of Destiny
Rod of Asclepius
Seven Against Thebes
Sins of Pandora
The Words of Menelaus
Bellerophon (Forged by the Blacksmith)
Thisbe's Blooded Veil (instrumental)
Lion of Amphipolis
Blood of the Sphinx
Eastern Sands
Where the Hydra Hides
King of Argos
Thermopylae 480 BC
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Socratis Leptos (guitars, keyboards)
Christofors Gavriel (guitars)
Miguel Trapezaris (bass)
Mark Zonder (session drums)
Yet to be reviewed.

The Marble Gates to Apeiron - Album (CD) 2020 - Pitch Black Records (PBR067)
(Studi unknown)
Details: -

The Marble Gates to Apeiron
The Mourning Ghost
To Live Another Day
The Mask of Sanity
The Cardinal Order
A Silent Masquerade
Black Sails (The Nemean Ode)
Nicholas Leptos (vocals)
Christofors Gavriel (guitars)
Socrates Leptos (guitars)
Miguel Trapezaris (bass)
Danny Conway (drums)
Yet to be reviewed.