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Inquisitor (NL) live in 1992 & 1993 (Soundboard & mastered)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:04 pm
by malegys
INQUISITOR Were a brutal black/thrash metal band from the Netherlands who were around from 1991 to 1996. Former members used to play in a band called Desultory before that. INQUISITOR released 2 killer demos (1992 & 1993) & one ferocious album called WALPURGIS in 1996 on the Belgian Shiver label (now a highly sought-after collectable, although it's been reissued & the band have reformed). My old band played some shows with them in the early 90s & that's how i became friends with them (a bit). Their live shows were immensely energetic, violent & super tight, reminding me of 1st album SADUS, INCUBUS (Florida) & MERCILESS (Swe). Utterly killer aggressive anti-Christian Thrash which veered in Blur/Grind territory at times. So here's 2 Soundboard live recordings of theirs i got of the singer back in 1993. I ripped these originally in 2014 & uploaded those recordings to Youtube (see link below in Replies), but have just RE-ripped/restored & mastered them again with MUCH better results. This upload is in WAV (lossless) too. Two 45 minute soundboard gigs which will tear you a new one : ... 6+1993.rar

Re: Inquisitor (NL) live in 1992 & 1993 (Soundboard & mastered)

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:04 am
by Ernest Thesiger

Re: Inquisitor (NL) live in 1992 & 1993 (Soundboard & mastered)

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:26 am
by Yronbeast86
Cool and thanks so much. The demo stuff from Deadhead(Nld), Usurper,and Inferno(Nld) is very good too.