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Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:05 pm
by MassOfKthulu
have a very wild guess Peter

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:21 pm
by Helstar
This thread is completly useless. You (we) all agree that bootlegs suck and they shouldn't exist at all, yet you bash each other for little details that are almost irrelevant in the general picture.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:13 am
by nightsblood
Avenger said:
"Non-fact – This person has made more then 10 pressings."

No, I can't prove his pressing size is > 10. And you can't prove his pressing size IS 10 or that he will not press more in the future. Since neither of us can be proven correct, let's agree to disagree:
--I'll continue to be suspicious of the guy who we know for a FACT is doing something dishonest (printing boots).
--You continue to mock him for being a dishonest bootlegger while you simultaneously claim that we should not question his advertised pressing size until we see more than 10 copies offered for sale.
I and the other people hereabouts will continue to laugh at your blatant stupidity.

Avenger said:
"you base your opinions on assumptions which makes you PRETENTIOUS".

pre·ten·tious   [pri-ten-shuhs] adjective
Characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.
Making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious.

Oh, so sorry, looks like the big word tripped you up yet again. Given that you read on a fourth grade level, i guess it's understandable. See, not all assumptions or opinions immediately make one pretentious. I have a long history of qualifying my opinions as "just my opinion" because I don't like it when people act as though their opinion is superior to everyone else's. Like when you say things such as, "I think people who pay more than peanuts for bootlegs are complete idiots". That's your opinion, based on an assumption, and you're trying to sound like your view is more important than anyone else's.
So one more time, WHO's acting pretentious here?

Moving on...

So now the surliest little troll on this site wants to "communicate in a civil manner" and get his nose up in the air because I flamed him?

I've been on this site for ~ 5 years and I don't think I have ever blown up at someone before. Then again, I've never had a dumbass with the mental capacity of a sea urchin keep replying to my posts with comments that never make a god-damned lick of sense. Nothing infuriates me like a brainless child who can't understand what the grown-ups are talking about yet insists on interrupting with the same comment over and over and over.

Yes Avenger, we know you don't like bootlegs. Now run along and play you little scamp and quit bothering the adults, we heard you in the first 397 threads about bootlegs.
Avenger wrote:[I just cannot wrap my head around why you are trying to tell me that some bootlegs are good and some are bad.
The reason you cannot wrap your head around that concept is because I have never made that claim. That is why we're all laughing at you so hard. You're attacking a comment that no one here ever made.

Given that you read on a fourth grade level, i guess it's understandable.

Little troll, you find one post, any post, where I said that "some bootlegs are (morally) good and some are (morally) bad". Or where I say "old boots are good, new boots are bad". You can't. Because I've never said that. You're just too dumb to realize it. You're so hung up on boots that you can't even read straight.

Given that you read on a fourth grade level, i guess it's understandable.

All I've said from the beginning is that some older boots are definitely rare, so I can see why folks who do want them will pay more for them.
But I do not want them.
I hardly ever buy a boot.
And when I do I won't pay much at all for it.
And I couldn't care less when it was made.
Overall I am not interested in boots.

Supposedly you read my posts where I have made these points repeatedly, yet you continue to spout off things like "you act all pretentious about new boots because you only respect old boots" and "how can you claim some boots are good and other boots are bad"?

Given that you read on a fourth grade level, i guess it's understandable.

But I have no tolerance for someone with such limited mental facilities that they cannot understand a point that is repeatedly made very clearly, and instead goes off on some accusatory tangent. You're like those people who hear someone ask, "Why did the US attack Iraq since Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11?" and then you reply, "if you don't support our troops you must be a terrorist supporter! USA USA! USA!".

And yes, I live in the South, which is not renowned for it's good grammar. However, I'm not you're average redneck southerner. I honestly wondered if you were from Quebec and have trouble with English. Given your response, I guess English really is your first language. So i apologize for implying that you had a difficulty with the language barrier. I guess instead you really are just a moron with the reading skills of a house plant.

When you learn to read words and use them in a coherent manner, let me know and I'll talk to you like an adult. Until then, I'll ignore you, and maybe occasionally mock your ignorance. I have better things to do than continually berate an obnoxious, illiterate child. But I do have a couple of more minutes right now, so about that mocking your ignorance thing....

Avenger in school:
Teacher- "Class, who can solve this math problem, 2 + 2?"
Avenger- "I know! I know!"
Teacher- "What's the answer little boy?"
Avenger- "Thomas Jefferson!"
Teacher- "Uh,.... this is math class junior, history is this afternoon"
Avenger- "How can you say that Thomas Jefferson couldn't do math?"
Teacher "I didn't say that"
Avenger- "Thomas Jefferson could do math! You can't prove to me that he didn't know how to do math!"
Teacher "Son, why do you keep talking about Thomas Jefferson during math class?"
Avenger "It is a fact that you cannot prove that Thomas Jefferson did not know how to do math. You need to get your facts straight. Anyone who claims Thomas Jefferson couldn't do math is a complete idiot".

Maybe the reason you read on a fourth-grade level is that you never made it to fifth grade.[/quote]

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:32 am
by nightsblood
To everyone who isn't Avenger-

I want to apologize to the rest of you for going off in my last few posts. I realize the Corro- is usually free of this type of petty crap. I don't think I've ever gone off on someone on this site before, and I am honestly sorry it came to this. But Avenger misquoted me way too many times, and I do not tolerate having someone put words in my mouth (or in my posts). We've all seen him do this time and time and time again. My record for civility around here is apparent. But sometimes someone does something so incredibly stupid that you just have to call them on their bullshit, and I felt that point had long since come.

I have no intent to keep engaging Avenger; he can't get the point when I explain it nicely, and he can't get it when I flame him either, so i won't waste any more effort. As someone requested, I will stop feeding the troll :) If he continues to misquote me, claiming that I wrote things that I obviously did not, then I will unload on him again- I won't tolerate some fool mangling my posts. Otherwise, I consider him persona non grata and I will leave him alone.

Everyone have a nice day, and hopefully we can get back to more fruitful discussions.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:14 am
by Avenger
You claim mental superiority over me, yet continue to try and argue with nothing but petty name calling… You claim that I am the child here but yet you are the one that is admittedly upset over lines of text on the internet… You claim that I am putting words in your mouth then you ramble on about how I apparently give two shits about the useless war in the middle east and how I responded to my teachers in school…

When will these contradictions end?

Really, my reading is fine; it’s your lack of comprehension and sheer ignorance that is hindering the argument from progressing beyond “lolz you read like a fourth grader”. This is proven when you took the time to quote the definition of the word "pretentious" and then still tried to tell me that the application of the word was incorrect in my postings. It’s not. You based an opinion off of an assumption. What determines how dignified or important it was is completely subjective. I really shouldn’t be surprised though. I can understand why you are desperate and reaching for anything to criticize me over. After all, the original point in this thread has totally been tossed aside since I called you out on your bullshit and you proceeded to direct the entire thread towards me personally.

Another really enjoyable part of your last post is when you speak for others and claim that you are not the only one that is apparently “laughing” at me. Surprise, another assumption. I don’t see anyone else getting involved in this to any great degree besides you.

You can change your story as many times as you like but what you wrote and what your intentions were in the beginning of this thread are publicly displayed. I never misquoted or misrepresented what you were saying but simply responded to your ridiculous claims and proved that you don’t have a valid point because:

A) You like to make assumptions
B) You have flawed logic

You implied that old boots are justified because they are rare. You implied that because of this, it is also justified to spend big money on these. I don’t care if you buy them or how much you pay. You are still making a statement that does not make sense. The point here is that these are unofficial and therefore should not be worth anything. It does not matter that this is taking place on a daily basis. Lots of shit happens every day in the world that is not right but people still do it. You are completely missing this.

In summery, your post was pretty boring. Half way through I grew tired of reading because it’s just the same old story: “Boo-hoo, Avenger proved me wrong”. You are like a broken record. Suck it up.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:17 am
by Avenger
To everyone else,

I would like to thank my mom and my dad. My brother and the rest of my extended family for all the support over the years. My friends for being so understanding. The birds and the bees. Fried chicken for being so damn tasty. Heavy Metal music. Philips and Sony for creating the Compact Disc format. Black Sabbath. And of course the NWOBHM. Lastly, my co-workers for being so damn great.

It’s really not my fault. I just had to step in and say something because I am an honest person just trying to shun hypocrisy in this lonely little world. Big bad people like to open their mouths and I have to step in to try and close them.

I really hope that we can get this thread back on track after I helped derail it for 2 1/2 pages :roll:

Please vote for me!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:44 am
You've all made your points, there's really no need to keep this thread open. Locked./Mod